10 Myths
Myth #1: Before planting a tree, prune living branches so the crown size is in the balance with the root ball.
Truth: It is not recommended to remove any live branches when planting trees. Live twigs, branches, and trunks contain reserve stored energy in the form of starch or oil. Removing them reduces energy reserves. Remove only dead and injured branches before planting.
Myth #2: Planting trees deep encourages strong, deep roots.
Truth: Never plant any plant, tree or otherwise, deeper than the top of its root ball. Improper planting is the number one cause for tree and shrub death.
Myth #3: Always stake trees after planting.
Truth: Trees will be stronger if not staked. The movement of young trees by wing strengthens them. If the planting site is constantly windy, stake after planting but, be sure to remove stakes in 6 to 12 months.
Myth #4: A thick mulch layer is always good for trees.
Truth: Roots will begin to grow into mulch that is too deep. During hot days the mulch will dry out before the soil below it, and since those roots cannot obtain water, the tree suffers. Mulch should be only tow to three inches deep.
Myth #5: Trees continuously grow forming wood from bud break to leaf drop.
Truth: Ninety percent of annual tree growth occurs six to eight weeks after leaves are formed. Early spring defoliation by disease or insects usually will not kill a tree but will have a major impact on that year’s growth.
Myth #6: Ants contribute to leaf decay.
Truth: Ants make nests in trees but do not feed on them. Termites do not nest in trees, but do feed on them. Ants actually help slow decay in trees as they keep the galleries in their nests clean.
Myth #7: Trees wounds can heal.
Truth: Healing is the repair of damage tissue. Trees cannot heal damaged tissue. Instead they wall off damaged areas from healthy areas through a process known as compartmentalization. This is their defense mechanism. The damaged tissue (decay) will remain isolated within the tree for life. Evidence of this is seen when a felled tree is examined.
Myth #8: Topping is good for trees.
Truth: After planting too deep, topping is the next major cause for tree decline and death. Topping creates weakened, stressed trees that are unsafe. NEVER top trees.
Myth #9: Wounds & pruning cuts should have tree wound paint applied to aid healing.
Truth: Tree wound paint does not prevent rot and in some cases promotes it by sealing in moisture. Do not paint wounds or pruning cuts.
Myth #10: Make pruning cuts flush with remaining branch or trunk.
Truth: Flush cuts destroy the tree cells that seal off the wound from the healthy part of the tree. Pruning cuts should be made on the outside of the branch collar. The branch collar is indentified by a raised ring of bark that is formed when the trunk and branch bark meet and push up slightly.
Myth #1: Before planting a tree, prune living branches so the crown size is in the balance with the root ball.
Truth: It is not recommended to remove any live branches when planting trees. Live twigs, branches, and trunks contain reserve stored energy in the form of starch or oil. Removing them reduces energy reserves. Remove only dead and injured branches before planting.
Myth #2: Planting trees deep encourages strong, deep roots.
Truth: Never plant any plant, tree or otherwise, deeper than the top of its root ball. Improper planting is the number one cause for tree and shrub death.
Myth #3: Always stake trees after planting.
Truth: Trees will be stronger if not staked. The movement of young trees by wing strengthens them. If the planting site is constantly windy, stake after planting but, be sure to remove stakes in 6 to 12 months.
Myth #4: A thick mulch layer is always good for trees.
Truth: Roots will begin to grow into mulch that is too deep. During hot days the mulch will dry out before the soil below it, and since those roots cannot obtain water, the tree suffers. Mulch should be only tow to three inches deep.
Myth #5: Trees continuously grow forming wood from bud break to leaf drop.
Truth: Ninety percent of annual tree growth occurs six to eight weeks after leaves are formed. Early spring defoliation by disease or insects usually will not kill a tree but will have a major impact on that year’s growth.
Myth #6: Ants contribute to leaf decay.
Truth: Ants make nests in trees but do not feed on them. Termites do not nest in trees, but do feed on them. Ants actually help slow decay in trees as they keep the galleries in their nests clean.
Myth #7: Trees wounds can heal.
Truth: Healing is the repair of damage tissue. Trees cannot heal damaged tissue. Instead they wall off damaged areas from healthy areas through a process known as compartmentalization. This is their defense mechanism. The damaged tissue (decay) will remain isolated within the tree for life. Evidence of this is seen when a felled tree is examined.
Myth #8: Topping is good for trees.
Truth: After planting too deep, topping is the next major cause for tree decline and death. Topping creates weakened, stressed trees that are unsafe. NEVER top trees.
Myth #9: Wounds & pruning cuts should have tree wound paint applied to aid healing.
Truth: Tree wound paint does not prevent rot and in some cases promotes it by sealing in moisture. Do not paint wounds or pruning cuts.
Myth #10: Make pruning cuts flush with remaining branch or trunk.
Truth: Flush cuts destroy the tree cells that seal off the wound from the healthy part of the tree. Pruning cuts should be made on the outside of the branch collar. The branch collar is indentified by a raised ring of bark that is formed when the trunk and branch bark meet and push up slightly.